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Strategic Coach®


New to the world of Who Not How?

The Formula To Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork

Then, tap into this transformational concept from Dan Sullivan, acclaimed entrepreneur and Strategic Coach® co-founder, and organizational psychologist Ben Hardy with a free sample chapter of their bestselling book on the topic!

What You’ll Learn In This Free Chapter:

The formula that thousands of entrepreneurs have used to build incredible burnout-free businesses and achieve guilt-free personal freedom.

How you can leverage accelerating teamwork to never again be limited in your goals or ambitions.

Why Who Not How is the secret to making the impossible possible in your business (and life!).

Make the impossible possible by requesting your free chapter of Who Not How today.

What Other Entrepreneurs Are Saying About Who Not How

From “driving revenue” to “becoming a way of life,” here’s how Who Not How has transformed the businesses of our Strategic Coach members.

“I’ve been in Strategic Coach for 15 years, and I think Who Not How is one of the most important concepts Dan Sullivan has ever come up with.”

– Ted Kerr, Touchstone Capital

“Who Not How is essentially a way of life for me now. It’s been extraordinary and very impactful.”

– Jack Cline, Lee & Associates

“One of the most instrumental game changers to our growth has been reading the Who Not How book.”

– Chris Johnson, Rapid Brands/The Johnson Group


Hear how Strategic Coach members are already saving hundreds of hours in their businesses and lives using the Who Not How concept.

Or join 10,000+ entrepreneurs by grabbing the full book today!


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