Building Your Audience, with Mike Koenigs

October 12, 2021
Dan Sullivan

A lot has changed about broadcasting. It’s not as hard, risky, or expensive as it used to be. There’s no barrier for anyone to go online and start broadcasting—which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Dan Sullivan, Gord Vickman, and guest Mike Koenigs talk about what it takes to build an audience nowadays.

Show Notes:

Looking for shortcuts: It’s desirable to be trained and taught by people who have been through what you have or worse because you’re looking for shortcuts.

Facilitated by technology: The activity of selling has to be facilitated by technological solutions, especially as they get more powerful.

Moving target: Using technology to promote, market, and create buying behaviors is always a moving target.

Delicate balance: Taking on whatever the cutting edge is without alienating the masses is a delicate balance.

Biggest challenge: The biggest challenge anyone has now is that everyone is online, and it costs nothing to broadcast.

Sense quickly: People can sense authenticity very quickly.

Different rules: The rules that work for scarce mediums don’t work for abundant mediums.

No gatekeepers: Unlike with traditional mediums, there are no gatekeepers when it comes to online broadcasting.

Personality matters: Audience-building might have as much to do with your personality as it does with the work you’re putting in.

Magical way: Some people just know how to manifest and manage energy in a magical way.

What you are: Before you decide who your audience is, you have to decide what you are.

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