The Entrepreneur's Guide To Goal Setting

What if we told you that goal setting is a skill you can learn? Not only learn, but get very, very good at — predictably good? Considering that setting goals and achieving them is one of the surest paths to entrepreneurial success, this is good news.

The best news is that entrepreneurs are already primed to be skilled goal setters. They’re naturally growth-focused, and they have a well-defined vision of how they want their bigger future to play out.

In this guide, we’ll share the five steps of goal setting the way we do it. You’ll learn Strategic Coach® insider thinking, strategies, tips, and even quick exercises our entrepreneur clients use in their Strategic Coach® Program workshops. You’ll even learn an unexpected yet essential ingredient of successful goal setting that we would never omit.

Whatever your skill level as a goal setter, see this as a place to find inspiration, proven practical tools, and our best practices to stay on track, achieve those goals, and keep the momentum (and fun!) going.

Life as a successful goal-setting entrepreneur is good!