Turning Back The Clock, with Regan Archibald

May 17, 2022
Dan Sullivan

Age reversal has been a hot topic for about 20 years, and there are more factors at play in its advancement than you might think. In this episode, Dan Sullivan, Steve Krein, and guest Regan Archibald talk about the great strides that have been made and what needs to happen for even further advancement in this field that will impact us all. 

Show Notes:

Waiting for someone: A lot of people neglect their health because they’re waiting for someone else to tell them what to do about it.

The main progress: The application of artificial intelligence has led to the main progress in age reversal.

Already working with: The reason why Covid vaccines were created faster than expected is because companies had already been working with very fast computing for years.

Things speed up: Things really speed up when there’s a crisis.

Innovation takes off: When the venture capital market gets interested, that’s when the innovation takes off.

The biggest cause: It might be that the biggest cause of death in the world is being caught by surprise with news that you could have known years ago.

Can’t take seriously: If you don’t want to know if anything’s wrong, you can’t take health tests very seriously.

Learn more: You can learn more by sharing what you find out with like-minded people.

End to retirement: It’s possible that age reversal will effectively put an end to retirement.

Not part of aging: We tend to think that pain is part of aging, but it’s absolutely not.

Pick up on: If you’re around ambitious, motivated people, you’ll pick up on some of their ambition and motivation. 


Dan Sullivan’s book My Plan For Living To 156

Dan Sullivan’s book The 4 C’s Formula

Regan Archibald’s “Never Stop Healing” podcast

The Four Freedoms

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